Let's strengthen Maine's economy
A “foundational job” is one that adds value to our economy. It supports other jobs and pays for public programs.
Foundational jobs add value to the economy and support other jobs.
Foundational jobs are the bedrock of our economy. Foundational jobs, simply put, add value to Maine’s economy by producing goods and services or bringing money in from outside the state.
For several decades, manufacturing and other production jobs have moved to lower-cost states or been outsourced to other countries.
Maine’s economic prosperity primarily came from foundational jobs for generations. In industries such as farming, fishing, forestry, transportation, and manufacturing, Maine’s hard-working citizens created real wealth, produced quality goods, and shipped them to buyers in other states or countries.
At the moment, Maine’s economy is increasingly dominated by service jobs rather than foundational jobs. But there are ways to change this and to help Maine reach a brighter future for everyone.
Over time, foundational jobs have become less common in Maine. But if we work together, we can change that by promoting policies that encourage new investment in foundational jobs, from within Maine and from away.
Legacy foundational jobs like farming, fishing, and forestry have long been the bedrock of Maine’s economy but now the state needs to generate foundational jobs in the 21st Century economy
New foundational jobs will help breathe new life into the economy by bringing new money in from out-of-state.
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